Dirty Business Read online

Page 3

  “Help me, baby,” he cooed. He stroked his fat, dark cock with one hand.

  Veronica glanced at Donnell, pleased to see him watching her intently. With everyone else watching, Joe felt compelled to turn himself, too. He couldn’t afford to look like a prude. She took Cutter’s cock in both her hands, and Joe marveled at the stark difference in their skin color. Her hands seemed tiny, doll-like, wrapped around his dark meat. She rubbed his cock against her cheek. Moving his penis to her lips, she kissed the big dusky head.

  Cutter rewarded her with a soft groan.

  Watching Veronica take Cutter in her mouth, Joe squirmed in his chair, his erection throbbing in his pants. He couldn’t do much about Cutter using the girl’s mouth, or the eagerness with which she was willing to give herself up, but his own arousal made him feel uncomfortable. Guilty. If he was babysitting her, then she was his charge, his hard on a betrayal. Seven inches of betrayal. Maynor had helped Joe get his real estate license. Start a legitimate business in Carnal. Joe drank with Maynor most weekends.

  With a noisy pop, Veronica pulled Cutter’s penis from her mouth.

  His big black rod jutted from his groin, like the branch of a mighty oak. She giggled, looking up at him. Using the flat of her tongue, she licked his shaft from its base to glorious head. She closed her eyes and took as much of him into her mouth as she could, then carefully bobbed her head. Soon Joe heard soft slobbering noises.

  Joe couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. The longer he watched, the more his anxiety seemed to wane. As his fear diminished, his desire grew. Literally. He had to adjust his pants to accommodate the almost painful erection between his legs. Veronica cupped Cutter’s testicles with one hand and used her other hand to slowly jack the length of him toward her mouth, as if she were feeding herself, methodically nourishing herself through his cock.

  Joe saw the phone at the same time as Cutter.

  “The fuck,” Cutter said, spinning his head. The boy with the hat sat grinning on the couch, holding his phone out in front of him.

  Cutter turned. His cock popped out of Veronica’s mouth, the head wet and glistening. Veronica knelt back on her haunches, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, a gesture that reminded Joe of his day with her on the lake.

  “Video?” Cutter growled. He snatched the phone from the boy with lightening quick move. “Who said you could do video?”

  A look of terror passed over Veronica’s face. She curled in on herself to hide her nakedness as best she could. Taking a deep breath, Joe felt his erection diminish. He knew he’d been close to asking for his own turn with Veronica and felt relieved. Veronica looked as if she might suddenly burst into tears. Blowing air heavily from his mouth, Joe felt pleased that Cutter was taking the young lieutenant to task. That boy was still the biggest wildcard tonight. His pride had been wounded, and he would want to settle the score.

  “I didn’t get your face,” the boy said to Cutter. “It’s cool.”

  Cutter frowned. “No, it’s not cool,” he said, working with the phone.

  “My wife can recognize my penis,” Cutter mumbled. “Bitch’s crazy.” He looked up, laughing at his own stark appraisal of his wife. “No more videos,” he said.

  Tossing the phone over his shoulder, he glared at the boy. “Get up off that couch,” Cutter snapped.

  The boy winced as his phone clattered to the floor on the other side of the room. As he scampered to retrieve it, Cutter settled onto the couch and slipped off his shorts. Veronica looked relieved. Grateful. She watched Cutter open his legs wide. Patting his hand on his thigh, he smiled at her, and Veronica grinned.

  His cock lewdly swayed in his lap. He patted himself again, an unspoken command.

  Veronica darted over to him on her hands and knees. She took his fat cock in her hand and lowered her head to it, licking the underside of his shaft. Cutter sighed. She gave him the full benefit of her tongue, her silky hair spilling across his thighs.

  Veronica scooted her body down low, so low that she could lick below Cutter’s shaft, wash his dark scrotum. He had his legs splayed open, his bottom thrust to the very edge of the couch. She held his glistening dick in one hand. She tilted her head to the side, the better to bathe his balls with her pink tongue.

  Joe collected some of the forms Donnell had completed. The busier Joe kept himself, the easier it was to ignore his cock, which hung heavily between his legs.

  Donnell’s eyes narrowed, his expression grew solemn.

  “She’s no slut,” Joe said. He turned his head and spoke softly enough so that only Donnell could hear his words.

  Donnell cut his eyes away from the scene in the other room. The utter seriousness of Joe’s deliver combined with the frank reality of the scene in the other room made Donnell smirk. He looked at Joe as if he’d only just met him. Donnell raised one of his eyebrows and laughed. “You getting ready to lay some of that crazy Faun shit on me?” Donnell asked.

  Joe laughed.

  “My old Grammy lived in Carnal,” Donnell said. “She talked about The Faun.” Donnell took a pen and signed a few of the forms in front of him. When he finished, he looked up. He narrowed his eyes, then recited: “Little girls see The Faun by dark of night, they be her daughters come the morning light.”

  Donnell chuckled.

  “Little girls don’t see The Faun,” Joe said. “Nobody sees The Faun.”

  Donnell sighed. Rolled his eyes.

  “You smell The Faun,” Joe said.

  Donnell pushed the stack of paperwork over to Joe. “Here,” Donnell said. “These look good to me. Give me the keys.”

  “Ever wonder how you could be so lucky with love,” Joe said. At the mention of love, Donnell’s face hardened. “And so unlucky all at the same time … ”

  Donnell’s nostrils flared. His eyes blazed.

  “… all with the same little girl?” Joe added with a grin.

  Pulling the paperwork toward himself, Joe raised his hands in a supplicating gesture. “As your relator, I feel obligated to tell you this next part. Feel free to disbelieve. Carnal residents pay a small tax. It’s not calculated on any of your forms.” Joe flipped the edge of the pile of forms with his thumb. “It’s not a cash tax, but more like a small cost that goes against your soul.”

  Joe grinned pleasantly. “Think of it as giving The Faun her due,” he said. “You’re paying for the pleasures associated with her scent.”

  Cutter was making loud animal noises down low in his throat. Eager to please the man who had rescued her from certain humiliation, Veronica buried her chin into the couch, inching her tongue even lower between his legs. Cutter exhaled loudly and moved his ass closer to the edge of the cushion, giving her the access she wanted. Veronica waited for the big man to get into position. She hesitated for a brief second, and then thrust head between his legs. Cutter rose up off the couch, arching his back, the girl’s tongue deep in his asshole.

  When the girl stuck her tongue up Cutter’s ass, Joe groaned. He laughed. He hurriedly scribbled his name in several places on the forms before him. When he finished, he raised his fist high and then brought it hammering down onto the thick sheaf of paper.

  It landed with a dull thud.

  “Welcome to Carnal, Donnell,” Joe said cheerfully.

  Donnell looked puzzled.

  Joe raised the sheaf of paperwork in his hand. “You’re one of us,” he said. “A bona fide Carnal resident.”

  Veronica raised her head. Her cheeks were flush with the heat from between Cutter’s legs.

  “Come on my face?” she murmured, a dirty little smile playing on her lips. Her ears and face went bright red. The whole room heard her wicked invitation. She giggled and touched her lip with her finger, drawing it across her mouth.

  Donnell flared his nostrils once and then sniffed the air. He gazed around the room, even turning his body in the chair, as if he were trying to locate something. Perhaps, Joe thought, he was trying to ascertain the origin of a certain burning smell.<
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  Cutter rose from the couch, his cock dipping crazily in front of him. Veronica sat back on her heels. She tilted her head up, shook the hair from her face.

  She waited.

  Joe turned in his chair to watch the scene unfold, a thin smile on his face. The burning odor was strong now and his own excitement was fast becoming an issue: he could feel a dull ache in his balls, and he seriously considered going into the bathroom to masturbate, the better to get through the rest of the night. He had business to finish.

  “Close your mouth, child,” Cutter said, his voice husky. He slowly stroked his cock. Veronica licked her lips. Closed her eyes. Smiled.

  Cutter pulled his fist to the base of his cock and then thrust his hips forward. He froze for a minute, with his dick sticking straight out before him, his ass cheeks and abdomen clenched. And then Cutter groaned, and his cock spat milky white cum onto Veronica’s chin. Another glop followed, landing on her forehead, a long white tail streaming back into her silky hair. More landed on her cheek, some pooled in her eyes.

  “Don’t open your eyes,” Cutter chuckled.

  He groaned and continued to pump his cock, his big palm cupping Veronica’s head. She giggled, squirming on her knees with her eyes closed.

  Joe turned to Donnell. For a brief moment, both men considered one another from across the table. Joe smiled sadly. Rubbing his face, Joe shifted in his chair, and then he turned his attention back to the girl. Donnell knit his brow and stared hard at Joe’s profile, as if trying to read the big man’s mind.

  Veronica’s face was a mess. Cutter sighed and wrapped his cock in her long silky hair. When she realized he was using her hair to dry his cock, she grinned and pummeled his thick thighs in mock protest.

  Striking a lusty pose, Veronica turned toward Donnell. She kept her eyes closed, her lips pressed together, the better to keep the pungent taste of cum from her mouth. With her eyes closed, she couldn’t notice that Donnell was unable to enjoy her little show—the spectacle for which he’d so generously paid.

  In fact, Donnell wasn’t looking at her at all. Rubbing the keys to his newly purchased home between slender fingers, Donnell stared hard at his realtor. Donnell wore the expression of a man who wasn’t quite sure if he’d received a bargain or paid too dear a price.


  Joe watched Veronica come out of the bathroom, her face freshly scrubbed. Smiling. She and the remaining lieutenant were alone in the room with the mattress. All the others were gone to other rooms, other business. The boy grinned at her from the couch, his gold cap gleaming. Cutter was cleaning up his work area. He spoke with Donnell in hushed whispers. The other boy was in the kitchen eating cereal. Veronica nervously touched her face. She suddenly looked self-conscious. Vulnerable. She was the only one in the house still nude.

  Her shoulders shuddered and she hugged herself.

  The boy came for her. He put his arm around her shoulders and walked her toward the mattress. She nervously tried to look around him, trying to catch Cutter’s eye, but Cutter wasn’t looking at her. He had moved on. He was done with her. Joe heard Veronica sigh—a soft, disappointed moan. Her mouth fell open. She knew the clout of spectacle and now she was learning the other side of that coin: exhibition itself was a fleeting power, a fool’s gold.

  She stood by the mattress with the boy. He was explaining something to her.

  He grinned, his gold cap gleaming in his mouth as he spoke. She looked at him dully, as if she couldn’t make out any of the words coming from his mouth. And then he showed her a tube of gel that he was holding in his hand and the expression on her face suddenly changed. She looked away, slumping her shoulders in defeat.

  Joe pursed his lips. The boy wanted her ass.

  Veronica immediately looked to the other room. Joe wondered if she might beg Donnell to intervene. She looked toward him and bit her lip. If Donnell noticed her plight with his lieutenant, he didn’t show it.

  The boy motioned toward the mattress. Veronica didn’t make a play for anyone in the other room. Instead, she obediently got on all fours, the uneasy look still on her face. If ever a girl needed to smell those fires, Joe thought, this was the time: but the burning smell never seemed to work that way. The Faun might drive you into a predicament, but rarely would she help you find your way back out again. Indeed, these impossible sexual circumstances seemed exactly the situations with which she took the most perverse delight.

  Rubbing his chin, the boy considered Veronica’s position.

  He finally asked her to turn, and face toward the other room. He didn’t say it, but his intent was obvious: the better for the others to see her face contort, as she took his cock in her ass.

  Repositioning herself, she looked toward the other room, finally noticing the mirror on the wall. She locked eyes with Joe. He gazed at her with genuine concern. Pursing his lower lip, Joe popped his chin. He kept his gestures tiny, hardly noticeable, but she saw.

  She smiled gamely for him.

  The boy took a knee behind her and put his hand on the small of her back. With his other hand, he began massaging her sex. When his fingers touched her clit, Veronica exhaled noisily. Looking humiliated, she quickly dropped her eyes.

  The boy licked his fingers. Cooed encouragement as he rubbed her sex. He intended for her to enjoy herself. He wanted her to orgasm in a room full of men with a cock wedged into her ass. His cock. Grinning wickedly, he looked to the men in the other room. He wanted to humiliate her, the same way she had humiliated him. And then he placed a glob of cold, wet grease between her ass cheeks. She inhaled sharply. Raising her shoulders, her back stiffened.

  “You’ll be grateful for the grease,” the boy said, watching her discomfort.

  He worked the cold lubricant slowly down her ass crack and toward her sex. Veronica bit her lip. The boy worked it swiftly, warming it with his fingers.

  Veronica looked over her shoulder, smiled at him. “Please,” she whispered, “be gentle. I’ve never done this before.”

  The boy snorted softly. “Oh, I’ll be honest,” he said flatly. “This gonna hurt.”

  Veronica lowered her head.

  “But not that bad,” he quickly added, watching her face fall. “I’m gonna make you come.”

  He focused his efforts on her clit. With the warm oil and his fingers sliding over her pussy, Veronica rocked her hips and softly moaned.

  “That’s right,” the boy whispered. “You gonna come for me, too.”

  Veronica swallowed hard. Goose flesh puckered the skin on her forearms, and she struggled to breath. She licked her lips. Tried to catch her breath.

  “When it hurts,” the boy said, “you should yell. Make a noise.”

  Veronica looked at him skeptically.

  “Feels better if you yell,” the boy said.

  He rubbed his thumb over her asshole and Veronica tensed up. She dug her fingers into the mattress. Gripping both her ass cheeks, the boy used his thumbs to massage her asshole, slowly working to open her sphincter.

  Joe heard the sound of a key sliding into the front door lock. With a loud clack a deadbolt rotated into the jamb, and then another deadbolt. The front door swung open and Gloria Dean entered the house, followed close behind by Miss Rose, a heavy set black woman.

  “Put the keys on that table,” Miss Rose said. She nodded to a small table by the front door. Her arms were filled with grocery bags and she made her way into the kitchen.

  Gloria placed Miss Rose’s keys into a little porcelain dish.

  Veronica flushed. It was one thing to act like a whore in a room filled with men, quite another to act that way with other women present. Veronica turned her head away and gripped the mattress more tightly. Her hair hung down, a silky curtain to hide behind. At that very moment, the boy’s thumb must have made its way past her sphincter, because Veronica groaned loudly. Her mouth dropped open and she gasped in rapid staccato breaths as the invader at her back door inched forward. Lowering one shoulder to the mattress, she bore do
wn with the muscles in her bottom.

  The boy chuckled. “Easy does it,” he said. “Feels worse if you fight.”

  Gloria swept her eyes across the rooms, assessing the situation.

  Hearing the moan, Miss Rose doubled back from the kitchen and stood by the dining room table peering into the other room. “What you got going on in there,” Miss Rose said to Donnell.

  Veronica groaned lustily again.

  Donnell looked exhausted, but grinned. “We almost done,” he said. “Business.”

  Gloria approached Donnell tentatively. She toyed with a small bit of jewelry in her navel. Joe tried to remember if she’d had that piercing last summer.

  “Is that the Smith girl?” Miss Rose asked, lowering her voice to a whisper. Peering to get a better look, she shook her head. Chuckled. “Wasn’t she this year’s homecoming queen?”